Wednesday, January 5, 2011


100 books for 2011

I'm participating in the 100 books 2011 challenge. The point of the challenge is to read 100 books in 2011. There's a few rules of course. No re-reads, no comic books and no jumping through sections. Anything and everything else is allowed. Fiction, non-fiction, plays, other languages, etc.

I honestly think I'm going to read 100 books or something really close to it. It's about 2 books a week. I should be able to do that. The problem isn't the reading. No. The problem is finding something interesting to read. So. Any suggestions?

1 comment:

  1. all of douglas adams, jasper fforde and my new favourite - How To Live Safely In A Science-Fiction Universe. you could try to finish the BBC booklist though.

    all are fantasy/sci-fi but with heart <3
